Guinness World Records Day Competition
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The goal is to play as many games as possible within the stipulated time frame, and the record-breaking attempt will be a test of skill, determination, and teamwork. So, get ready to set the bar high and become a record holder!
The Rules
Get in on the action by following these steps:
1. You can enter the Guinness World Records Day Competition with three available games: Backgammon, Klaverjassen, or Hearts.
2. Уou must play in the PROFESSIONALS room in the lobby of one of the 3 games.
3. Play as many games as you can! It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. What matters is the number of games played in the PROFESSIONALS room. Unique moments and unforgettable experiences are guaranteed.
Keep track of the number of games you’ve played to ensure you don’t miss out on any potential records.
Only games played in the PROFESSIONALS room count.
The Prize
Since there are three games to choose from, there will be one lucky winner for each game. The prize is as follows:
- Backgammon winner – 10 thousand chips, a custom color of their choice, and a unique “Record Holder” frame.
- Klaverjassen winner – 10 thousand chips, a custom color of their choice, and a unique “Record Holder” frame.
- Hearts winner – 10 thousand chips, a custom color of their choice, and a unique “Record Holder” frame.
VIP Games’s Guinness World Records Competition promises an unforgettable experience and a chance to etch your name in the annals of history.
So, mark your calendars for November 16th to 19th, 2023, and get ready to join the world’s best Backgammon, Klaverjassen, or Hearts players in a quest to set a new world record. This is your chance to make history, have fun, and create lasting memories in the world of card games.
Take part in this thrilling event!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We’d love to hear your feedback!
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